Nothing both ignites and mollifies my soul quite like high quality metal. Pair that with a superb sake and I am one tranquil yet still-feral beast.
“Drunken Whale” inspires imagery of grace and BADASSNESS (yes, I deem that to be a legit word). This sake is a gentle face-melter: Its siren song of fresh pear, wilted peony, and silver needle tea lulls you into a huge dry finish. It’s the perfect metaphor for Boris’s brand of shoegaze-metal…the impish and brutal waves of sound quell all anxieties, leaving you no choice but to succumb to their peaceful, savage beauty.
Drink Suigei’s “Drunken Whale” while listening to Boris’s Love&Evol album — a lovey tangible palindrome…it’ll help, promise. XOXO